…nothing ECHOES more than a GAME!

The constructions are an educational tool for + 4-year-old kids inspired by the Montessori pedagogical method. It is a creative and fun game, coherent with the tendencies of a more and more ethical and environmentally sustainable market.

The kid uses a press to create the bricks and realize his constructions.

LECOSTRUZIONI allows to explore the potentiality of clay and to feel is texture, working with a lively, healthy and sustainable material. A creative sensorial experience that benefits kids and adults.

LECOSTRUZIONI involves the kid in a ludic experience that allows him to grow towards multiple directions. The kit is based on the spontaneous interest of the kid and on his natural impulse to act and grow. It’s an invite to find in the game the possibility to express oneself and one’s creativity.

The set stimulates fantasy and imagination favouring creative learning and dynamic thinking. Sustainable games realized in respect of the environment and nature become for kids a companion of adventures.

LECOSTRUZIONI is much more than an ecologic game: it is the magic of educating through fun!

    • Respect for the environment
    • Conscious growth
    • Tactile perception
    • Development of abilities
    • Creativity and fun